Author: jpadkins

#30DaysofPride Day 5

Before the apps there were the bars. Gay bars were more than a place to drink, but a place of community. In the outside world, many of us had to conform, but in the bars, we were free to be who we wanted to be. (not to mention not having to worry about being beaten…
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#30DaysofPride Day 4

I grew up in a very Christian household. Hell, I went to church 3 times a week, won preaching competitions, and was offered scholarships to Bob Jones University. When I came out, it wasn’t without its issues. Although, about two weeks before I came out I was dropping off my cousin (who was also gay…
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#30DaysofPride Day 3

Would you believe that I once got fired for being gay? It was when I was living in West Palm Beach. I worked for a startup called which was basically an online music store where you could order your CDs (this is pre-streaming folks) I was in customer service and they had over hired so our…
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#30DaysofPride Day 2

I am participating in a 30 Days of Pride Challenge and thought that these stories might be an inspiration to you whether you fall somewhere on the rainbow, or just want to live your life more authentically. It was both wonderful and horrible coming out with an older gay brother. One of the great things…
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#30DaysofPride Day 1

When I was a very new adult, I was up for a promotion along with another guy. We both did the classes, but I had more experience so I started running shifts first. Somehow he found out I was gay and threatened to out me and beat me up if he didn’t start running shifts…
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Are You Living Your Values?

One of the surest ways to live a truly awesome life is to live your values every day. In this exercise, we take a look at your values, where they came from, and see how we can implement them on a daily basis.

All Things Time Management [Leslie Gaudet Interview]

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the lovely Leslie Gaudet for her Facebook Group Transform Your Triggers for Successful Women. We talked about the importance of time management and how to start to put yourself first by finding those little moments. If you would like to check out her group go to…
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A Curtain For Under $5 WITH NO SEWING

I have a tiny bathroom window in the new 5th wheel and decided to change up the curtain. I got.a couple of fabric squares from Walmart for under $5 and created a curtain and a valance. ◢▆█▆██◢🚙◣██▆█▆◣ Hi, I am Jeff and I am the Accountability Coach and Integrator for Quantum Impact Coaching and budding…
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[Cool Box Van Build] On the Path with Jeff & the Princes

Gabby, her daughter, Riley, (I realized I never said it in the video) and Princess Mari came out to the beach. While there, we ran into two amazing people – Chris & Ben who were both building out their rigs. (Thank goodness because the footage I took at the lake was boring even for B-roll)…
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My Awesome Monday Meditation July 1st

Start your week off right with these weekly meditations which are recorded live in The Now Live Facebook Group. Music by SoundMonk used by permission. Start Your Journey Towards Your True Awesome Life Here: I have dedicated my life to taking the Nomads, Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Coaches who aren’t afraid to bring forth…
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