Author: jpadkins

The Road to Nomadic Episode 11 – Making Money

In this episode of The Road to Nomadic Jeff discusses how he plans on making money while on the road. Start your journey by going to and click on “Start Your Own”. The Road to Nomadic details my journey from starting out with no RV, no money, and a whole bunch of obstacles to…
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The Road to Nomadic Episode 10

In this episode we are back in the RV discussing some plans for the interior and some of the mindset shifts that it may take to be a digital nomad.

The Road to Nomadic Episode 9

Join Jeff and Prince Rupert as they begin the path of becoming a Digital Nomad criss crossing the United States. Currently, we have gotten a 1980 RBR Mini-Cruiser and will start the process of getting the #TrueAwesomeLife RV.

The Road to Nomadic Episode 8

I am so sorry for the delay in this video. I have had so many tech issues getting this to upload. I think you will find it is worth the wait.

The Road to Nomadic Episode 7

Today being a holiday for many, including my family, the topic of family weighed heavily on my mind. I have lived in other states before, and live far enough away now that there are no surprise visits. Just one of the considerations when you are preparing to become a digital nomad, full-time in an RV.…
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The Road to Nomadic Episode 6

Being with The Prince has taught me many lessons. I swear he is my little Taoist Master. Here are just a few that I find important for any creative entrepreneurs out designing their true awesome life.

The Road to Nomadic Episode 5

A lot has happened this week in my prep to go nomadic but the biggest news is that I am working with Legendary Marketer to support you in your Radical Reboot. There will be a ton of details to follow but for now start with a free 15 Day Challenge by clicking this link

The Road to Nomadic Episode 4

The Prince has arrived! We get to experience some of the first today and get a reminder that we are worthy. Hey Folks, Last week’s episode was difficult to make and it was probably difficult to watch. This really is my journey. I was getting texts every 15 minutes from someone who owed me money,…
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