Tag: Toyota Mini Cruiser

Blowing a tire during a Pandemic

What I Learned Blowing a Tire During a Pandemic

There is nothing so frustrating as blowing a tire. You are just going about your business and poof everything gets interrupted. I get to the tire shop and get the repair process started and find that they can service it because of the single barrel duelie. So while waiting for the tow truck to take…
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The Road to Nomadic Episode 16 Cabinets & Camping

This week on the roads nomadic we work on the cabinets and I stay overnight in the RV for the first time. Find out what I learn and have some fun today. Check out the new podcast at http://creativenomadshow.com Start Your Journey Towards Your True Awesome Life Here: https://zurl.co/7uMQ I have dedicated my life to…
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The Road to Nomadic Episode 13 – Tearing Down Walls

Sometimes the walls are in the physical plane and sometimes they are in the mental plane, but today we are going to be tearing down walls! Start Your Journey Towards Your True Awesome Life Here: https://zurl.co/7uMQ I have dedicated my life to taking the Nomads, Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Coaches who aren’t afraid to bring forth…
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